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Writer's pictureLynnette René Doby

3 Signs You Should Become a Professional Writer

Are you wondering if you should move your love of writing from a "hobby" to a profession? If that is on your mind, you've come to the right place. Allow me to assist you on your path of exploration.

Now, this isn't a comprehensive list, but here are a few signs you might want to make moves to becoming a professional writer. Outside of your interest, desire, and ability to write, there are a few other things to consider. If you came across this article, it's not by chance. This is your sign!

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1. You read articles, blogs, and other mediums and want to re-write them word-for-word.

If you find yourself constantly on the web scrutinizing different blog articles or anything you read, it's time to switch up and get into the writing game. What you're subconsciously doing is copyediting the content. Check out the definition below.


cop·y·ed·it (käpēˌedət/): to edit (text to be printed or published) by checking its consistency and accuracy.


Arguably, copyediting is the gateway of interest in becoming a full-blown writer. I say that because it's an indicator that you have a good eye and that you are dedicated to making content great again. Sorry, I had to go there. It was just too easy. Often copyediting gets confused with proofreading, but there is a difference. Copyediting is more about ensuring that the content is sequentially sound, and accomplishes the intention it states in the heading and topic of the content. If you can discern what is off and make it better, you have the makings of a professionally paid writer. Clients need you.

2. You are the friend in your friend group known for telling the best stories of everything that has happened for those who missed the action.

Storytelling skills are the making of a prolific writer. If you're accustomed to recounting different stories, detail for detail, and can keep people engaged, you are well on your way. No matter if you are writing non-fiction, fiction, or business writing, storytelling is involved in all those aspects. Your ability to craft a fully conceptualized story, with a thought-provoking introduction, information to support it, and a powerful way to conclude it, is a solid skill a professional writer needs.


sto·ry·tell·ing (ˈstôrēˌteliNG): relating to the telling or writing of stories.

3. You listen more than you speak.

Listening is an ability that we all have, but most of us don't work toward cultivating it to make it a top-notch skill. If you've been told that you are a good listener, you may want to make the move to writing professionally. Listening is a major skill used to craft compelling content, especially if you are considering become a ghostwriter. Listening will save you time and give you the edge over other ghostwriters. To potentially write for someone else, you've got to observe them using your critical thinking and higher level listening skills. What inflections do they use in their voice? What are some common phrases that they use? When they don't like something, does their tone and pacing quicken when they speak? You catch all the nuances with exceptional listening skills.

Thank you for reading this quick blog! If you are curious if writing professionally is for you, want to explore your options with a professional writer. Let's book some time and chat about it!

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